Google Analytics & reCAPTCHA

Google Analytics

Besides providing excellent customer service, another effective way to grow your business is by understanding better the platform's user base.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that provides valuable information about customer preferences, online behavior, and other important metrics. This data helps you create personalized offers and offers insights on enhancing the overall customer experience.

From the Google Analytics (Admin Interface -> Settings -> Site Settings -> Google Analytics) menu add:

Google Analytics Code

Add, in the field, the Google tracking code.

Google reCAPTCHA

By installing this free program you will automatically get an extra level of security for your business. Google reCAPTCHA eliminates bot intrusions by generating a code that can be completed only by a human. Do not hesitate to use it to create a safe business environment.

From the Google reCAPTCHA (Admin Interface -> Settings -> Site Settings -> Google reCAPTCHA) menu:

Enable Google reCAPTCHA

If checked, enables the Google reCAPTCHA plugin.


Registration Process

If checked, enables reCAPTCHA for the registration process.

Contact Us Page

If checked, enables reCAPTCHA for the contact us page.

Email Listing to a Friend Page

If checked, enables reCAPTCHA for the email listing to friend page.