Version 9.1

Release Date: 28 May 2024

  • Add: Created Memcached caching module for php 8.1 .
  • Fix: The maintenance page wasn't loading the default image and css rules.
Theme & Design
  • Fix: Header categories menu was loading slowly in some cases.
  • Add: New design options for the listing details page:
    • Sections: left / right size.
    • Title on top or in box
    • Images box: left / right
    • Products purchase: show / hide quantity box
    • Tabs: Horizontal / vertical
  • Fix: Search icon was not displaying when browsing from mobile devices.
  • Fix: Home page list/grid settings for sections didn't work properly.
  • Change: Removed sticky header behavior from admin theme.
  • Fix: On certain occasions, when on the listing details page, images in the Recently Viewed section, which are at the bottom of the page, did not correctly resize the photo of the last item viewed.
  • Fix: Issues with installer module on windows based systems (due to the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant).
  • Add: Filter newsletter subscribers to list only those with registered accounts.
  • Add: Newsletter subscribers - export to csv feature.
  • Fix: Issue with products that were created with stock levels but the related custom fields were removed or are no longer product attributes.
  • Fix: Issue with management buttons not appearing for listings when clicking on "select all".
  • Fix: On the listing details page, the bid increment type radio didn't have an initial value selected on certain cases.
  • Fix: Duplicate html element id (#basic-search).
  • Fix: Thumbnail async component wasn't loading images on certain occasions.
  • Fix: Sorting of sold items in the admin control panel didn't work.
  • Fix: Issue whereby if an image is uploaded with capitalized extension, it uses the default image extension for when creating thumbnails.
Search & Browse
  • Fix: Categories browse page didn't render masonry boxes correctly on certain occasions.
  • Fix: Issue with certain checkboxes on the left side search bar not being displayed correctly.
Cart, Purchase & Shipping
  • Fix: Coinbase payment gateway integration issue.
  • Fix: Contact us page success message wasn't showing.
  • Change: Display general form errors (not linked with any specific field) at the top of the form after submission.
  • Change: Removed ?page=1 from the pagination partial.
  • Add: Meta title to forgot username / forgot password pages.
  • Fix: Listing images weren't shown on certain emails (eg. listings relisted).
  • Fix: On certain occasions, when using the SMTP method, the error message "message has lines too long for transport" was returned by the email server.
  • Fix: Issue with accented letters not displaying properly on email titles (languages other than English).
Fees & Payment
  • Fix: Issue with the sale transaction fees not applying on certain occasions.