

From the Products Settings (Admin Control Panel -> Settings -> Listing Settings -> Auctions & Products -> Products Settings) menu:

Enable Products

If enabled allows the listing of products.


Complete the steps described in Create Listing page.

Next, in the Listing Settings section, complete the distinct product fields:

Buy out Price (Product Price)

Enter product price.

Note: We recommend to use this feature only as a last resort. If a product (often because its high price) doesn't sell for a long period of time, one can set smaller buy out price to increase the selling chances.


Enter quantity available for sale.

Note: See Seller Settings for more options regarding item quantity.


Stock Levels

Select the available combinations (if admin defines Product Attributes) from the Create Listing page:

The seller can set different price levels for item variations (e.g: Color & Size).

To complete the Product listing, follow the steps detailed in the Create Listing page.