The easiest way to attract and keep clients is to constantly offer alternatives, especially regarding shipping options. That's why we added the Postmen API: Sellers that already have an account with them (those that don't can easily set up one) can choose their preferred shipping carrier with one click. Easy, safe and time saving.
What is Postmen?
It's a app that helps sellers to manage every aspect of shipping items. When admins enable the Postmen API - it will automatically calculate rates for different shippers and generate labels. It only takes a couple of clicks and a printer to finalize a order.
From the Postmen Shipping API (Home - > Tools -> Postmen Shipping API) menu:
If checked, enables the Postmen API. Sellers will be able to create Postmen Shipper accounts and use their selected shipping carriers through this module.
When enabled, the Postmen Shipping API will be found in the Front End (Home -> Members Area -> Selling -> Seller Tools -> Postmen Shipping API).
Once there, sellers can enter their API key and select Retrieve Shipper Accounts to retrieve the data from their accounts. From their accounts they can also select which shipping carriers will be available on their sites.
For those that don't have an account there's a link to the setup page. Once the account is created simply follow the steps described above.