
Product descriptions and images complement each other. Only together they provide a complete overview of a product. Thus, users should not hesitate take advantage of the following features, to maximize their selling chances.


From the Listing Images (Admin Control Panel -> Settings -> Listing Settings -> Global Settings -> Listing Images) menu set / allow:

Number of Images

The maximum number of images that can be added to a listing.

Mandatory Images

If checked, the user will have to add at least one image when creating a listing.

Maximum Size Allowed

The maximum size of an uploaded image.

Crop to Aspect Ratio

If checked, uploaded images will be cropped when generating thumbnails.

Allow Remote Images

If checked, allows the addition of images from remote locations by entering the direct link.

Watermark Text

Enter a text that that will be applied to uploaded images.

Note: Leave it empty for no watermark.

Lazy Load 7.9

Lazy load is a plugin that drastically cuts the loading time of a website. It loads images only when they are about to reach the viewpoint or the scrollable area of the site.

Enable the Lazy Load plugin by checking the associated checkbox.


In the Listing Details section (Listings Create) click Select Images to add item pictures (or enter a remote URL).


Find listings in the Selling menu (Home -> Members Area -> Selling -> Open):

Note: When clicking on a picture, the screen will display full listing details (left side - images).