Site sections help users find, easy and fast, what they're looking for. Find out below how to create, manage, and learn about the most important features of a section.
Create a new site section by following the steps described below. Sections can be anything from a single Contact page to a multipage Blog. Here's how create a section:
In the Sections (Admin Control Panel -> Site Content -> Sections) menu, click New Section in the upper right corner of the screen.
Next, you'll see the following:
Complete the required fields:
Enter the new section name.
Handles usually have same name as the section (best practice advice: always use lowercase letters). They are only for internal use.
Select from the dropdown menu the parent of your new section. Available only for tree structures.
For improving site management and user experience, you have at disposal three section types. Read below about their distinct features:
Single sections accept only one entry. Used mostly for single pages such as Contact, Terms and Conditions, etc.
A section that accepts multiple similar entries. Example: A Blog or a News page that are continually updated with new entries.
A tree structure accepts both single and multiple entries. A section with multiple entries is a branch, and one that does not is a leaf.
Example: You're now reading the Documentation. It contains multiple sections (CMS, Users, etc) that have their own entries.
Note that each section in a tree will accept a single entry.
Enter the slug of the section. See below slug types.
The uri of the pages will be the slug of the section.
The uri of an entry will be created by merging the slug of the section with the slug of the entry.
Example: blog/my-first-blog-post
The uri of a leaf will be created by merging the slugs of each branch with the slug of the leaf.
Example: section/first-subsection/an-article
The default view file will include the title and the content of the entry.
If you want to use a custom view file, please enter its name.
Important: Please upload the file through the app/cms views folder.
A section becomes active only when the option is checked.
An optional features that allows admins to sort sections according to their order ID number. By default, sections are ordered alphabetically.
After completing the fields, hit Save and you'll return to the main Sections screen. You notice, on the left side of the screen, the number of existing sections. If you can't find the new one just type in its Name/Handle in the search field.
You'll also notice that each section has a set of specifically colored fields. These are section options:
The number of available options always depends on the section type.