fixed an issue whereby the fedex shipping carrier plugin was not displaying results for certain countries
fixed an issue whereby the verified user icon appeared for all users
added a url routing component that works for servers that do not have the mod_rewrite plugin or an
fixed an issue whereby the 404 not found http error was not parsed correctly by servers that running php in
cgi/fast cgi mode
fixed an issue whereby paths and routes were not created properly on windows servers
fixed an issue where adding a voucher in the listing process would cause a “store only mode enabled” message
be displayed
fixed an issue whereby flat amount vouchers werent calculated correctly when applied to listing setup fees
added a security module for when validating files that are uploaded through the uploader plugin
fixed an issue whereby cookies were not being saved on certain occasions
fixed an issue whereby the payment method selection validator on listings did not validate properly
html lang meta tag now changes based on the site’s active language
added a feature whereby the admin can select whether to apply the preferred seller reduction to setup fees
or to sale fees as well
fixed an issue whereby the smtp module only worked when the port was set to 25
fixed an issue whereby calls for non existing payment gateway models was resulting in a fatal error
fixed an issue whereby the ListingsBrowseIndex action could not be used properly by the action view helper
fixed an issue whereby the custom end time option was not being saved
fixed an issue whereby the gateway was redirecting to the sandbox payment url rather than the
production url
fixed an issue with the cron job giving errors if certain settings in the admin area were unset
the quantity on the shipping calculator box now properly defaults to 1
removed the ability to create usernames with spaces in them
fixed an issue whereby category counters were not displayed in the browse drop-down when using the Kelly
added translations for javascript messages
fixed an issue whereby the mandatory images upload setting for listings did not work properly
added a feature whereby the admin can choose whether to allow store owners to create their own custom store
html added to site messages is not rendered but displayed as text
fixed an issue whereby a php notice would appear if the is_seller flag was not set
fixed an issue whereby a fatal error was being output when trying to check for custom fees on non existing
categories (occurred for sites updated from V6)
fixed an issue whereby messages sent by the admin would generate invalid topic titles
fixed an issue whereby the reputation details page didn’t work for usernames that contain spaces
fixed an issue whereby an invalid container error was occurring when changing site languages on
added a Google reCAPTCHA module that can be enabled for the registration and contact pages
fixed an issue whereby a direct payment gateway that the seller has only enabled from his account page but
for a specific listing was incorrectly appearing as a payment option for that listing
fixed an issue whereby the category counter module would enter an infinite loop when trying to count items
had inexistent categories set (occurred on certain sites updated from V6)
fixed an issue whereby a buyer was allowed to update the quantities for the products in the shopping cart to
fixed an issue with the csrf field that was removed incorrectly when validating dynamic model forms
fixed an issue whereby non well formed numeric values were allowed to be entered in the place bid / make
could not list item when Enable Store Only Mode