Version 7.7

Release Date: 10 Mar. 2016

  • fixed issue whereby on the browse pages, using the sort by drop-down will reset the price search filter.
  • fixed an issue with the thumbnail cache was not being correctly output for remote images in certain cases because the cache name was not properly generated.
  • fixed an issue with the quantity text field not appearing on the listing details page when having an unlimited quantity for a listing.
  • fixed an issue whereby an fatal error was thrown when trying to upload non existent custom fields when using the bulk lister.
  • changed the cart drop-down view helper to allow different cart button designs when using custom themes.
  • fixed an issue whereby the signup fee payment page was throwing an non existing address error upon initial registration if PayPal was enabled.
  • added regions and accepted currencies for the Amazon payment gateway.
  • added a non empty validator for the item based postage field on the listing setup process.
  • fixed an issue whereby the pinterest and facebook share plugins were not retrieving listings images if remote pictures were used.
  • fixed an issue where the disable installer admin checkbox was reset in certain cases.
  • fixed an issue whereby the bcc admin option was not working for users messages.
  • fixed an issue with setup fees vouchers not being applied if the site was running in live payment mode.
  • added items per page selection for the selling section in both the members area and in admin
  • added an option for bulk listings to be uploaded as drafts, and for drafts to be able to be listed directly and in bulk (rather than one by one), rather than being uploaded as live items.
  • added a management section in the admin area for drafts/bulk items.
  • fixed an issue whereby when a bulk csv file was not saved with utf-8 encoding, certain characters in the title/description fields were not parsed correctly.
  • updated the currency exchange rates cron xml feed.
  • rebill automatic subscriptions enhancement, with renewal email added, and with the expiration notification emails only being sent to users for which the automatic renewal is not in place.
  • optimized count rows procedures to increase overall loading speed.
  • fixed an issue whereby store listings were counted using a slow query when a store owner was trying to create a new listing.
  • fixed an issue with the USPS shipping carrier model, that was not outputting international destinations properly.
  • modified clone quantity button on stock levels field to always update, and updated it to work when on the edit listing page.
  • fixed an issue with cookies not being retrieved properly on first page access, causing the recently viewed and cart modules to display invalid results.
  • fixed an issue with custom locations not being output properly for item based shipping.
  • added an option in admin to select the site wide address display format.
  • replaced the make sale fee payment button to make it more clear for the end user.
  • rearranged the invoice display page for a clearer overall display.
  • added the category specific banner adverts plugin.
  • fixed an issue whereby category specific custom fields were not reset when changing categories on browse pages, which lead to not displaying any search results.
  • added user / ip banning plugin for both the end user and the admin.
  • added an email preferences module that will allow the end user to select which emails to receive from the website. All emails that can be managed will include a link to the email preferences page.
  • added a plugin that will allow the seller to enter his direct payment details on the listing process directly, this way not having to separately enter these credentials from the account section if wanting to enable a certain payment gateway.
  • modified the product attributes module and made all attributes optional, this way allowing the seller to select only the attributes combinations that are available. If all attributes are left empty.
  • fixed an issue whereby the user was not properly redirected after a payment in certain cases.
  • (FS#332) Automatic Item Location Input