added product attributes module, which works as follows:
the admin area can create listing custom fields and set them as product attributes
only checkbox form elements will be able to be created as product attributes
these custom fields will automatically be set as required
they will appear for products only and not auctions
the seller will need to choose one or more available selections for each product attribute
the seller will be able to enter quantities and price variations for each available combination
on the product details page, before the user will need to select one value for each product
based on the available stock that the seller has entered
added an image cropping and resampling module by set width and height
added ability to order images for listings with drag and drop
fixed an issue whereby the number of free images/media/downloads allowed to be uploaded was incorrectly
decreased for preferred sellers
modified category counters engine and let it run in steps, in order to avoid out of memory issues on larger
rotate pictures uploaded from mobile phones/tablets correctly and automatically upon upload (exif_read_data
disabled the "add to cart" button when the seller is in vacation feature is activated
enhanced the BrowsePageTitle() view helper to display better results on the search pages
fixed an issue whereby when admin removed a feedback, the user's feedback score was not updated
fixed issue whereby a seller could list in a category that is not a leaf node
fixed an issue whereby listing an item with custom fields would result in a php warning if a custom field
have a null value
fixed an issue whereby the price and tax amounts on the site fees invoice pages were displaying incorrect
fixed an issue whereby the categories on the browse all categories page were not properly ordered
fixed an issue with sale transaction fee not being calculated correctly if category specific fees were used
fixed an issue whereby vouchers that resulted in total sale transaction amount being zero would not allow
to be marked as paid
fixed an issue with the installer being automatically enabled in certain cases
fixed an issue whereby category names in the listing setup category selector form fields were not translated
if they had subcategories
custom fields properties are now fully translatable (label, description, prefix, suffix, subtitle, multi
for the bulk lister, added required status for select boxes (list_in, listing_type)
updated the bulk lister parser plugin so that files saved with all versions of excel, multi line description
fields, as well as all characters from the utf-8 charset will now be properly parsed
added ability for sellers to be allowed to edit quantities/prices for their products, even if these products
have been sold
fixed issue whereby fees for disabled features were displayed on the site fees page (eg. digital downloads,
buy out, make offer etc)
the categories a custom field is displayed for is now shown in the admin area, for easier custom fields
management section navigation
fixed an issue whereby the category counters were not updated when using the list similar item feature
fixed an issue whereby the category counters were not updated when changing the list in variable from site
to store and vice versa
fixed an issue whereby the category counters were not updated when a member manually relisted an item from
their members area
added translit charmap for arabic (urls)
disabled the my account > account settings page for buyers when the site runs in private site/single seller
added a custom sale invoice content field, in order for sellers to be able to include their VAT/other
applicable details
fixed an issue whereby the sale notification email was not displaying the correct total price if a sale
voucher was used
the "postage" and "stock levels" fields when using the bulk lister will now need to be json encoded
Edit product after there was a buyer purchased