Version 8.3

Release Date: 10 Mar. 2021

  • Add: Hash router, ideal for websites hosted by servers that do not support the mod_rewrite apache plugin
  • Add: Display password strength rules on registration page
  • Add: Implemented Recapcha v3 as an option for the captcha field
  • Add: Automatically delete old cached images via cron (separate command)
  • Add: Notification that the bulk lister csv file needs to be saved as msdos format in excel
  • Add: After creating / editing a listing, a button has been added to go back to the members area section, based on the status of the listing (open/scheduled/closed/draft)
  • Add: On the users statistics page, added a filter to separate between crawlers and standard visitors
  • Security Patches:
    • Enhanced password encryption
    • Encoded text and html output
    • Enhanced cookie security
  • Change: SQL_MODE is set at the website level, rather than depending on the global server settings
  • Change: Removed wysiwyg editor for the short description field
  • Change: For pop-ups, the "Close" button has been moved the top right of the pop-up box, for clarity
  • Change: Added the maximum bid amount on the place bid confirmation pop-up
  • Change: Modified the routes caching module to disable it when crawlers browse the website, to decrease the number of records generated by the caching engine
  • Change: For thumbnails, will use a new lazy load library
  • Change: Removed the header menu column from the custom store categories form
  • Change: Use the bid sniping module even if a bid that was placed is under the proxy bid amount
  • Fix: Issue with the cron accounts suspension function
  • Fix: Issue with the "Buy Out" button not being properly displayed on mobile devices.
  • Fix: Update interval must be mandatory if listing updates are enabled
  • Fix: On the search bar and the categories menu, this still lists all categories even when "hide empty categories" is enabled
  • Fix: The "deliver to different address" fields don't appear when you check the box during checkout (for guests only or if no addresses are saved)
  • Fix: Issue whereby custom fields display didn't properly translate values of multi options
  • Fix: Issue with drafts list of drafts that have a scheduled start time, if using the checkboxes
  • Fix: Issue whereby it was possible to purchase closed items if they were added in cart before they were closed and if there was enough stock
  • Fix: Issue with certain text not being saved / loaded on the global settings and store setup forms