Brand new CMS module, with fully customizable sections, entries and menus
Section types supported:
- single: when creating standard content pages (eg. about, terms, privacy pages)
- multiple: ideal for creating news sections or blogs
- tree: for creating tree like structures, ideal for creating linked sections (eg. help, documentation)
Classifieds module, which will allow users to list items or services with or without a price attached. Can be
used on a wide variety of scenarios. The internal messaging module can be used for conversations between
Brand new front end theme with admin customizable theme colors, as well header and footer layouts
Dashboard pages with various statistics for both the Admin Control Panel and the Members Area
New Admin Control Panel theme
Home Page:
- slider banner (slider on / off speed)
- items display boxes (home page featured, recent, popular, ending with list / grid, items per row if grid
[desktop / phone] (select) and total items to display tabbed on / off)
- home page custom html
Search Page:
- category featured display box (list / grid, items per row if grid [ desktop / phone ] and total items to
Eight Theme Specific:
- header types
- footer types
- color schemes
The color scheme will change the header backgrounds, the link colors, primary button color, highlighted
items background color and footer.
Brand new email messages design and revamped emails content
All purchase actions (bid, buy out, make offer, add to cart) are handled in pop-ups with ajax support, to ease
user interaction with the purchase forms. Logging in on the purchase pop-ups will be seamless, and will properly
redirect users to the purchase confirmation form, without page refresh
Revamped wish list module, with asynchronous functionality. Listings will be added to the wish list, when
clicking on the linked buttons, without page refresh
Added action (bid, buy, add to cart) and wish list buttons to listing cards for quicker user interaction
Brand new browse page headline generator plugin, which will generate headlines and subtitles based on all the
filters selected by a visitors, helping with SEO
Improved overall site speed by better handling of software components
Fully revamped translations module, which will enable administrators to add new languages from the Admin
Control Panel, download the translation files, translate the sentences using a gettext tool, and upload them
back. Only gettext files will be used by default, easing the translation process
Added relist until sold option to the auto relist module
The word filter plugin will match regular expressions and only full words, not parts
Fully revamped listings select service, to improve listings selection and display on the website’s pages
Fully revamped combine and edit invoices module, with ajax support. Will enable sellers to select which
invoices to combine, not forcing all invoices from the same buyer to be combined.
Replaced subtitle field with short description field on the listing setup process, for optimized listing setup
and display on relevant pages
Display username with feedback score on the header when user is logged in
Fixed issue with the home page slider being blocked by adblock tools
Admin functionality to purge the site and images cache
Fixed issue whereby emails sent by the cron were not sent in the website’s default language (if other than
English), but always in English
Added category specific options for custom fields that accept options (eg. select, radio, checkbox)
Removed listing image borders on the listing details pages
Modified recently viewed box plugin to only display on the index, browse and details pages
Disabled listing related buttons on listing confirmation pages where a listing box is displayed
Fixed issue with category links generating different urls depending on the pages they were displayed on.
Revamped invoice pages design
Fixed issue whereby if clicking on the “Archive” button without any messages being selected resulted in an
Modified sniping feature behavior, which will not come into effect when placing a bid which is under proxy
Fixed an issue where message ids on emails could be non-unique
Fixed an issue with the localizedNumeric method, which when using the EU number format, itreturned incorrect
values on the listing setup process when validating reserve prices for example
Fully revamped view helpers to allow better handling of linked view files and automatic loading upon call,
rather than manual call when bootstrapping
Added selectize composite element for custom fields, which is an enhanced version of the standard checkbox
field, recommended if having fields with many options. Compatible with Product Attributes
Language selection widget for the admin control panel
Added additional open graph image tags for better compatibility for when sharing listings on Facebook
Added “Empty Cart” button that will clear the whole cart (from all sellers)
Fully revamped message posting module, with an ajax powered posting form which will not refresh the page if
there is an error when posting the form
When there are no items in home page boxes, a message is displayed rather than leaving the boxes empty
After a successful purchase using the Buy Out modal, the user is redirected to the payment page if direct
payment is available
Updated adverts module to allow the administrator to create adverts that will open on the same browser tab,
and not have an automatically generated advert redirect link, but use the link entered when creating the advert.
Best used when creating adverts that showcase website listings or CMS pages.
Fixed issue with shipping carriers incorrectly calculating the shipping cost if the total weight was greater
than a certain value
Added functionality to allow custom fields to have aliases, for better usage in searches and when using the
bulk lister tool (eg. color instead of custom_field_1)
Added option for individual sellers to enable/disable force payment
Added functionality that will display the direct payment methods edit form when checking a direct payment
method on the listing setup process which did not have the necessary details set
Added option for buyers to move their cart items to the wish list
Fully revamped cart and checkout pages, with the checkout page now being fully asynchronous, with ajax updates
when entering an address, selecting the shipping and payment methods, and entering a voucher.
If a direct payment method is selected on the checkout page, the buyer will be forwarded to the hosted payment
page upon clicking on the Checkout button
Added an option at Members Area > Selling > Seller Tools > Global Settings whereby the individual seller can
specify the time limit for force payment (when admin enabled) rather than having to be reliant on the global
time limit set in admin.
Fixed an issue with private messages not properly displaying the listing box
Updated to bootstrap 4.1 (with rtl support)
Removed language block for crawlers on robots.txt, in order for multi-language websites to allow indexing in
all supported languages for all pages
Added email confirmation to the seller for when a listing is approved by the administrator, if the approval
option is enabled
Fixed an issue whereby a seller was able to place an offer on his own item
Added rel=nofollow to several links, for SEO purposes, like report abuse, sign in, sign up.
Fixed issue with the print view was not properly generating the invoice layout on Webkit based browsers.
css is fully compatible with IE, with fallbacks for rules that IE doesn’t support
Added option to add a favicon from the Admin Control Panel
Option for the administrator to disable listing featurings (home page, category pages and highlighted)
Added functionality to automatically display the default shipping costs on listing details pages, with an
option to calculate other rates, which will open the shipping calculator box
Advanced social media plugin, with the footer global icons being generated from links provided in admin.
Sellers can also be allowed to add their social media links, which will display on various related pages. The
admin can choose for which seller types to enable this module
Added an option for the admin to disable the rss module.
Revamped email listing to friend form and related email
Fixed an issue with the store module, whereby if temporarily an active store from the stores management page,
when enabling it back it was required to pay for the subscription fee again, even if the subscription did not
yet expire.
Added email newsletter subscription confirmation option, to help avoid spam subscriptions
Added HttpOnly flag for session cookies
Plugin which will automatically generate available action buttons on management pages, like relist, close,
delete buttons for when managing listings, combine and delete for invoices, etc. The buttons will appear only if
the action is available for the selected records.
Revamped site fees page design
Updated sale email design, with included icons and action buttons
Added the listing box partial on emails where listings appear (eg.: email to friend), to better display
details – and to lure potential clients, rather than just text
Fixed an issue with the sendmail protocol, which was adding the To address twice
Added email notifications for buyers when the status of a sale is changed. The seller can choose when to send
the email from the update sale status form
Added functionality for the admin to edit, combine and change the status of sale invoices, just like the
Added option in admin to clear cache image files
If private site/single seller is enabled allow admin to enable an option for end users to request selling
privileges, this option would be in the members area for end users who could request selling privileges to be
granted on their account
Option for users to add scheduled listings to their wish lists
Added phone number field in the contact form (optional field)
Delivery Cost on browse page
RSS with picture
Add shipping rates in to right column at categories page
Instruction for buyer if seller on Vacation
Admin disable options.
Address book / Bank section - Issue when adding or editing records
Error with listing - Language too complicated for average user
Selling tools: Prefilled fields - PayPal payment method error, 7 consecutive pop up error
System allows same dollar amount offers up to the limit of number of offers allowed
Language Issue: Login vs. Sign in AND Sign up vs. Register
Date format bug with selecting date of birth